EOBD SOFTWARE DEMONSTRATIONInitial displayThe following picture (Picture 1) illustrates the initial display of the program. Picture 1: The initial display of the program. To communicate with the vehicle, the user must connect the diagnostic 16-pin plug to the diagnosis 16-pin fuse of the vehicle.It is important that the ignition switch is ON, so as to have electricity power on the ECU. The green LED on the diagnostic connector will turn on. By clicking the "Start..." button at the upper left corner of the window, the user can select one of the three communication methods that are available. This selection depends on the communication protocol used by the vehicle. During the data transmission process between the diagnostic program and the vehicle's ECU, the red LED on the diagnostic connector blinks, confirming the process. As soon as communication with the vehicle has been established, the screen display looks like the one illustrated in Picture 2 and contains the following frames:
Picture 2: The display of the program after establishing communication with the vehicle. Live DataThis screen (Picture 3) illustrates live data in real time. You can see data refreshing and it is possible to freeze data values for further evaluation. Then, by clicking Refresh.., all data values refresh. Picture 3: Live Data display.
Freeze Frame DataThis screen (Picture 4) enables you to obtain some additional information about a stored fault at the moment of its appearance, such as vehicle speed, engine load, engine rpm etc., provided that this is supported by the vehicle itself. Picture 4: Freeze frame data. OscilloscopeOn this screen (picture 5), you can monitor, both graphically and numerically, the function of the sensors that are being checked, in real time. This is very important for sensors such as oxygen sensor, throttle position sensor, manifold absolute pressure (MAP) sensor etc. By examining those sensors, you can see if they are responding properly or not, even if there is no stored fault. Picture 5: Oscilloscope. The user can select from a table the sensors to be checked. On the main part of the screen you can see a graph of the sensors' output as a function of time, while on the lower part you can read the output value and its normal operation limits. It is important that this function of the diagnostic program enables you to monitor up to 5 sensors simultaneously. By combining those data you can make some useful conclusions about vehicle condition (for example engine load / MAP sensor output, engine speed / ignition spark timing / throttle position sensor, etc.). Oxygen (λ) sensorsThis screen (Picture 6) gives you a guide of the voltage output of a typical oxygen sensor as a function of time, in order to have a reference for its correct voltage in conjunction with the air/fuel ratio (rich or lean), its switch time etc. Picture 6: Oxygen (λ) sensors.
Notice: The original displays of the product may be slightly different from the ones presented in this demonstration.
REQUIREMENTSTo be able to use our products, you must have a PC with the following specifications: Minimum System Requirements
Recommended Configuration
CAUTION: The use of the application with Microsoft® Windows® ME operating system is not recommended.
SOFTWAREEOBD software provides access only for EURO vehicles (vehicles with manufacture year 2001 or later) and it checks only engine and gas emission problems. EOBD communicates with all european protocols and covers all european, japanese and korean models.
You can find more information about EOBD software in the EOBD Demonstration.
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